Wall Wraps

wall wraps and graphics gogi signs

Custom Wall Wraps Manufacturers in New Jersey

At Gogi Signs, we are experts in designing and installing custom wall wraps and graphics that transform any office or business space into an attention-grabbing showcase. Our extensive range of tailored solutions is perfect for companies aiming to enhance their brand visibility and create a memorable identity. We adapt every project to fit the unique aesthetic and practical requirements of our clients, delivering eye-catching results that both captivate and inspire.

Serving New Jersey, Gogi Signs leverages over a decade of expertise in sign crafting. We manage all facets of your project from initial design to final installation, with an unwavering dedication to quality and customer satisfaction that distinguishes us in the signage industry.

Transform Your Space with Our Custom Wall Wraps

What are Wall Wraps?

Wall wraps are large vinyl graphics or decals that are applied directly to walls, turning plain surfaces into vibrant and engaging areas. They are used for both decorative and functional purposes, making them ideal for a wide range of applications.

Whether you need to brand your commercial space or provide clear signage in public areas, wall wraps are a versatile solution. They are easy to install and remove, leaving no damage to the walls, which makes them perfect for both temporary and permanent uses.

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Types of Wall Wraps

Printed Wall Graphics: These are custom-printed designs on vinyl that can be applied to walls for advertising, branding, or decorative purposes.

Wall Murals: Large, often artistic images printed on vinyl or directly painted on walls, transforming spaces with visually impactful scenes or patterns.

Local Sign Company from New Jersey

Based in Linden, New Jersey since 2005, Gogi Signs brings over 15 years of expertise in creating stunning wall wraps. Transform your space with custom-designed wall graphics that enhance aesthetics, promote your brand, and create a memorable environment. Serving Newark to the Jersey Shore, we provide high-quality, personalized solutions tailored to your unique needs, ensuring a professional and impactful finish.

Our Wall Wraps Services

Industries That Use Wall Wraps

Transform your space and make a lasting impression with Gogi Signs’ custom wall wraps. Our wraps are designed to reflect your brand’s essence with precision and style. From bold modern designs to timeless classics, trust us to elevate your brand presence. Contact us today to redefine your industry image with our expert wall wrap solutions.

Corporate Offices

Enhance work environments with branding elements, motivational quotes, and creative designs.

Gyms and Fitness Centers

Inspire and energize members with dynamic visuals, motivational quotes, and branding elements.

Healthcare Facilities

Improve patient experience with soothing designs, clear wayfinding signage, and informative displays.

Hospitality Industry

Provide clear signage, wayfinding, and create welcoming atmospheres.

Retail Stores

Attract and retain customers with eye-catching promotional displays and advertisements.


Add style and personality to interiors, creating unique dining and lodging experiences.

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Why Choose Gogi Signs for Your Wall Wraps?

Choose Gogi Signs for unmatched expertise and precise customization in wall wraps that transform any space. Our commitment to quality, coupled with competitive pricing, ensures your project not only meets but exceeds expectations.

Expertise and Precision: Gogi Signs brings over a decade of industry experience, ensuring flawless design and installation of every wall wrap.

Customization: We tailor every wall wrap to meet the specific aesthetic and functional needs of your business, transforming your space exactly how you envision it.

Quality Materials: We use only top-quality materials, ensuring that our wall wraps are durable and visually striking.

Comprehensive Service: From initial design to final installation, Gogi Signs manages all aspects of your project, making the process hassle-free.

Customer Focus: We prioritize your satisfaction, working closely with you to exceed expectations at every step.


Request a Quote for Custom Wall Wraps

Fill out our quotation form to receive a personalized quote for your custom wall wraps. At Gogi Signs, we ensure top-notch quality and innovative design tailored to your specific needs. Provide us with your details, and our team will promptly get back to you with a solution that will transform your space and elevate your brand.
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