Window Wraps

Window Wraps and Graphics

Enhance the visual impact of your business with Gogi Signs’ custom window wraps. Ideal for storefronts, offices, or vehicles, these wraps turn ordinary glass into vibrant, attention-grabbing displays. Advertise promotions, showcase new products, or improve privacy while allowing light to filter through. Our window wraps are made from durable materials, ensuring your message remains prominent and effective in any weather.

At Gogi Signs, we recognize the uniqueness of every business, which is why we offer personalized consultation and design services to craft the perfect window wrap for your needs. Our experienced design team collaborates closely with you to transform your ideas into reality, capturing and conveying your brand’s essence effectively. Let us help you harness the power of visual communication with custom window wraps that leave a lasting impression on your customers and boost your brand’s visibility.

Window Wraps for NJ and NYC

What are Window Wraps?

Window wraps are large vinyl graphics or decals that are applied directly to the glass surfaces of windows. These wraps are typically made from durable, weather-resistant materials and can cover entire windows or just parts of them, depending on the design and purpose. Here’s a closer look at what window wraps are and their common uses:

  • Material and Composition: Window wraps are usually made from high-quality vinyl, which is a flexible and resilient material suited for both indoor and outdoor use. The vinyl can be printed with any custom design, including full-color graphics, text, and images.

  • Visual Appeal and Marketing: They are frequently used as marketing tools because they transform plain glass into valuable advertising space. Businesses use window wraps to display logos, promote products, announce events, or provide information about their services. They are highly visible to both foot and vehicle traffic, making them effective for catching the eye of potential customers.

  • Functional Benefits: Beyond advertising, window wraps can provide privacy for patrons or employees inside a building without blocking natural light. Certain types of wraps can also offer UV protection, reducing sun damage to interiors and creating a more comfortable environment.

  • Customization and Versatility: Window wraps are highly customizable, allowing businesses to use specific brand colors, styles, and themes. This versatility makes them suitable for various settings, including retail stores, offices, restaurants, and more.

  • Ease of Application and Removal: Vinyl wraps are designed for easy application and removal, which means they can be changed without damaging the glass or leaving residues. This allows businesses to update their promotions or change designs as needed.

custom window wraps gogi signs

Where Window Wraps Are Used?

In New Jersey, window wraps are extensively used at construction sites to comply with safety and security regulations. These wraps serve to shield the site, ensuring privacy, reducing construction-related debris exposure, and enhancing public safety around active construction zones. Additionally, window wraps are a popular choice for promoting pop-up stores and temporary graphics across the state. They provide an effective and flexible advertising solution, allowing businesses to attract attention with dynamic, customizable designs that can be easily updated or removed as promotional needs evolve.

  • Retail Storefronts: Enhances curb appeal and markets products directly to passing customers.
  • Office Buildings: Provides privacy for glass-walled spaces and features corporate branding.
  • Restaurants and Cafés: Displays menu items and special promotions, contributing to the venue’s ambiance.
  • Vehicle Windows: Transforms company vehicles into mobile advertisements.
  • Healthcare Facilities: Ensures patient privacy and controls lighting within clinical areas.
  • Educational Institutions: Uses colorful, informative designs for wayfinding and to boost school spirit.
  • Fitness Centers and Spas: Offers privacy for clients while promoting health and wellness services.
  • Construction Sites: Covers up ongoing work for safety and security, a requirement in many urban areas like New Jersey.
  • Pop-Up Stores: Creates temporary, eye-catching graphics to attract attention to short-term retail spaces.
pawn shop window wraps gogi signs

Benefits of Window Wraps

Window wraps offer a range of benefits for businesses looking to enhance their visibility and utilize their space effectively. Here are some key advantages:

  • Increased Brand Awareness: Window wraps turn your business’s windows into dynamic advertising spaces, helping to promote your brand and services to passersby and potential customers. This increased visibility can significantly boost brand recognition.

  • Cost-Effective Advertising: Compared to other forms of advertising like billboards or media spots, window wraps are a cost-effective solution that provide continuous exposure without recurring costs. Once installed, they continue to advertise your business 24/7.

  • Customizable Designs: Window wraps can be fully customized with any design, from bold graphics and vibrant colors to detailed information about your business services. This flexibility allows you to tailor your message and aesthetics to fit your brand perfectly.

  • Sun Protection and Privacy: Beyond advertising, window wraps can reduce glare and block harmful UV rays, protecting interiors and occupants from sun damage. They also enhance privacy without sacrificing natural light, ideal for businesses like clinics or spas.

  • Easy to Update: As your marketing campaigns change, window wraps can be easily replaced to reflect new promotions or branding updates. This adaptability makes it easy to keep your marketing efforts fresh and relevant.

  • Professional Appearance: Well-designed window wraps can enhance the professional appearance of your business premises, making your establishment look more attractive and inviting to customers.

full window graphics

Premium Wholesale Window Wraps
For New Jersey Businesses

Discover premium wholesale window wraps in New Jersey with Gogi Signs. Our wraps are crafted to make a bold statement and effectively promote your business, making them ideal for storefront branding and advertising. Elevate your marketing efforts with our exclusive wholesale deals on premium window wraps today!


Lets Get Started

Begin your custom signage project with Gogi Signs today! Elevate your brand and environment with our expert solutions, tailored to meet your specific needs from design to installation. Let’s make your vision a reality.


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