Custom Awnings & Canopies
by Gogi Signs of NJ

awnings gogisigns nj city

Commercial Awnings Fabricators & Installers

Gogi Signs offers high-quality awnings and canopies to give your business both style and function. Our products provide protection from the weather and make your brand stand out. We specialize in custom designs for storefronts and events, ensuring they meet your unique needs. Serving businesses across NYC, New Jersey, and beyond, our awnings and canopies are built to last and attract attention.

With over two decades of experience, Gogi Signs is a trusted name in the industry. We serve New Jersey, NYC, and beyond, offering permit filing, fabrication, and installation services. Our dedicated team ensures you receive top-notch service and quality products to meet your business’s signage needs.

Explore Our Custom Awnings


Storefront Awnings

Storefront awnings are perfect for retail shops, cafes, and restaurants. They offer shade, protect customers from weather conditions, and prominently display your brand. These awnings can be customized with logos, colors, and graphics to attract attention and invite customers in.

Commercial Awnings

Ideal for office buildings, hotels, and large commercial spaces, commercial awnings create a professional and welcoming entrance. They enhance the building’s appearance while providing necessary protection from the elements. These awnings can be tailored to match your brand’s identity and architectural style.

Retractable Awnings

Retractable awnings provide flexibility, allowing you to extend or retract the awning as needed. They are perfect for outdoor dining areas, patios, and decks, offering sun protection when required and the ability to enjoy the open sky when desired. These awnings are durable and easy to operate, making them a popular choice for various settings.

awning styles and designs

Dome Awnings

Dome awnings add a touch of elegance and are often used for entrances and windows. Their unique shape enhances the architectural appeal of your building while providing shade and protection. These awnings can be customized with different fabrics and colors to match your business’s style.

Entrance Canopies

Entrance canopies are designed to make a strong first impression. They offer shelter and guide visitors to the entrance, making them ideal for hotels, theaters, and office buildings. These canopies are both functional and stylish, enhancing the overall look of your property.

Window Awnings

Window awnings are smaller awnings installed above windows to provide shade and reduce heat gain inside the building. They also add a decorative element to the exterior, enhancing the building’s curb appeal. These awnings are available in various shapes and styles to suit your design preferences.

Upgrade Your Business Aesthetics with Commercial Awnings

**Upgrade Your Business Aesthetics with Commercial Awnings** Based in Linden, New Jersey since 2005, Gogi Signs brings over 15 years of experience in designing, fabricating, and installing high-quality commercial awnings. Serving areas from Newark to the Jersey Shore, we are passionate about enhancing the appeal and functionality of local businesses with our custom awning solutions. Our expertly crafted awnings not only provide shade and weather protection but also add a touch of elegance to your storefront. Trust Gogi Signs, your local sign company, to deliver durable and visually striking commercial awnings that make your business stand out.

Our Dimensional Letter Services

Maximizing Impact Across Industries with Gogi Signs

At Gogi Signs, we understand that every industry has unique signage needs, and we are dedicated to providing tailored solutions that maximize impact and visibility. With over two decades of experience, we have the expertise to serve a diverse range of industries with precision and creativity.

Real Estate

Eye-catching property listings and promotional signage are essential in the competitive real estate market. Gogi Signs delivers high-impact signs that attract potential buyers and highlight property features effectively.

Retail Stores

Captivating retail signs are key to attracting and engaging customers. Gogi Signs creates vibrant and attention-grabbing signs that promote sales, highlight products, and reinforce your brand identity.

Corporate Offices & Buildings

Our professional signage solutions for offices and corporate buildings ensure a polished and cohesive brand presence. From lobby signs to wayfinding systems, we create signs that enhance your corporate identity and facilitate navigation.

Healthcare Facilities

We specialize in informative and directional signage for clinics and hospitals, designed to improve patient experience and streamline facility operations. Our signs ensure clarity and ease of movement within healthcare environments.

Educational Institutions

Schools and universities benefit from our educational and event-related signage, which includes campus maps, directional signs, and banners for special events. Our signs help create an organized and welcoming environment for students and visitors.

Hospitality Industry

Welcoming signs for hotels, restaurants, and bars play a crucial role in guest experience. We design and install signs that enhance the ambiance and provide essential information, ensuring your guests feel at home.

awnings gogisigns nj city

Benefits of a Business Awning

Awnings are a sign that has both promotional value and function. Adding one to your storefront or to cover an outdoor area will both bring in customers and benefit your business because awnings are:

Increased Visibility and Branding

Awnings provide an excellent opportunity to display your business’s name, logo, and colors prominently. This increased visibility can attract more foot traffic and make your establishment easily recognizable. Custom graphics on awnings help reinforce your brand identity and make a lasting impression on passersby.

Weather Protection

Awnings protect your customers from harsh weather conditions, such as rain, snow, and intense sunlight. This creates a more comfortable environment for patrons, encouraging them to visit and stay longer, which can lead to increased sales and customer satisfaction.

Energy Efficiency

Awnings can significantly reduce the amount of direct sunlight entering your building, helping to keep the interior cooler during hot months. This can lower your air conditioning costs and contribute to energy savings. By providing shade, awnings help maintain a more consistent indoor temperature, enhancing the overall comfort for employees and customers.

Extended Outdoor Space

Awnings create additional covered outdoor space that can be used for seating, displays, or promotional activities. This is particularly beneficial for restaurants, cafes, and retail stores looking to expand their usable area without major construction. The added space can enhance the customer experience and provide more opportunities for business growth.


Create Lasting Impressions with Custom Awnings

From design to installation, Gogi Signs is your partner in creating impactful signage. Let us help you turn your vision into reality with a custom quote tailored to your project’s requirements.

Contact us now to begin your signage project.

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